Annmariya Kalippilannu (English: Annmaria is Angry) is a 2016 Indian Malayalam comedy drama film directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas and written by Thomas and John Manthrichal. The film stars Sara Arjun, Sunny Wayne, and Aju Varghese.[1]
The film narrates the story of friendship of a schoolkid (Sara) and an easygoing youth (Wayne) and the changes this relationship brings about in their life.[1][2] It was released on August 5, 2016.
The film narrates the story of friendship of a schoolkid (Sara) and an easygoing youth (Wayne) and the changes this relationship brings about in their life.[1][2] It was released on August 5, 2016.
Annmariya Kalippilannu is a 2016 Indian Malayalam comedy drama film directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas and written by Thomas and John Manthrichal. The film stars Sara Arjun, Sunny Wayne, and Aju Varghese.
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